Abstract - rette? {{forumTopicSubject}}
Hej jeg sidder og skriver opgave, men min engelsk er virkelig verdens dårligste, så tænkte om der ikke var nogen der kunne tænke sig at rette min abstract??
English Abstract
Problemstilling/emne/formål med projektet
In this assignment i will writ about the resistance movement. I will writ about the history of the resistance movement, and short writ about the two biggest sabotage organizations; BOPA and Holger Danske.
I will also tell about the collaboratepolitics breakdown and about the Jew action.
After that i will discuss the resistance movements part ind this two events.
At least i will give my own evaluation about the military relevance that the resistance movements had with their actions.
To find the answers of my problem formulation, i have reseached on the internet, read som books from the libary, and i also hat get som help from my father.
In the working period my mind has been open for all teories, and texts.
At last i have watch a movie.
I got my stuff from a lot of books, the internet, and a film.
I have learn about the history of the Resistance movement. I have been seen on the history with different eyes. There is a lot of versions about the history.
And i think that it never will be possible to hear one version, only.
feb 2008
Følger: 8 Følgere: 9 Heste: 4 Emner: 52 Svar: 312
Læste det lige hurtigt igennem:)
dec 2006
Følger: 69 Følgere: 68 Heste: 6 Emner: 352 Svar: 4.849
red some books from the library and I have also got some help from my father.
In the working period my mind has been open for all teories, and texts.
At last i have watch a movie.
My min have been open for all teories and texts in the working period.
I have learn about the history of the Resistance movement.
I have learned about the history of The resistance movement.
sep 2005
Følger: 85 Følgere: 85 Heste: 9 Emner: 323 Svar: 3.452
•fylder typisk 10-15 linjer
•indeholder en beskrivelse af opgavens:
o formål/problemstilling
o anvendte metoder
o resultater og konklusioner
•indeholder ikke citater eller kildehenvisninger
•skrives i ét afsnit
Der må aldrig stå we eller I
sep 2005
Følger: 82 Følgere: 89 Heste: 6 Emner: 4 Svar: 1.607
Har rettet lidt i det - så må du se om du kan bruge det
English Abstract
Problemstilling/emne/formål med projektet
The main focus of this paper has been the problem statement based on the resistance movement. The history of the resistance movement, and short part about the two biggest sabotage organizations; BOPA and Holger Danske, will be included.
The collaboratepolitics breakdown and the Jew action, will also be mentioned.
After that there will be a discussion on the resistance movements part in these two events.
There will also be a personal evaluation on how the military's actions during resistance movements was relevent.
To find the answers of the problem statement, the main reseach was done by using the internet, reading som books from the library, and getting some help from FARS NAVN.
In the working period my mind has been open for all teories, and texts.
The movie "FILM NAVN" has been watched, for a better understanding of the situation.
The materiales that were used came from a lot of books, the internet, and a movie.
The conclusion, based on the above mentioned results, about the history of the Resistance movement is that the history has been seen on with different eyes and point of views. There are a lot of versions about the history.
It isn't possible to only hear one version.
Jeg ville så skrive det hele i et - altså ikke putter undertitlerne på, som f.eks. "Resultater/Konklusioner"....
Jeg har selv afleveret SRP idag hvor et abstract skal indgå, så jeg kender reglerne
*Stavefejl er gratise :P*
sep 2007
Følger: 51 Følgere: 45 Heste: 3 Emner: 67 Svar: 572
nu er det til et 12 tal
Ellers tak , vi kan ikke alle være gode til engelsk
Abstract - rette?