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Virkelig brug for hjælp! (Engelsk) {{forumTopicSubject}}

skal aflevere projekt i morgen og skal skrive et abstract på engelsk, og er rigtig dårlig til det, så kunne virkelig godt bruge noget hjælp.

This paper investigates the whole problematic about the rising overweight in Denmark. The first part of the paper contains a description of how you get fat and different kind of measures for overweight. The next part is an estimate of the biologically consistencies of overweight. The paper includes also a description of the overweight’s development in Denmark, and which consistencies this development has for the society. The next part is an examination of what the society can do to change this development. The last part of the paper is a discussion about what different ideologies would do about the rising problem. The paper shows that every tenth Danish is fat and that is a big problem. It is not only a problem the fat persons have a big risk to get sick but it is also a problem for the society. The society use each year more than 1.625 mio. kr. to cure fat people. The different ideologies have a very different view of how they want to solve the problem, the mean different is if it is the society job to solve the problem, or if it is peoples own responsibility.

håber virkelig nogen vil rette det lidt igennem.
på frhånd tak (:

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Virkelig brug for hjælp! (Engelsk)
