22. apr 2006 Følger: 180 Følgere: 209 Heste: 6 Emner: 573 Svar: 3.870
Engelsk "stil" - rette? xD Engelsk "stil" - rette? xD
Hej allesammen. Skal skrive en ''stil'' om mine hobbyer til min opdigtede netven Luke. Den skal være på 350 - 450 ord, men min blev så knap 300 :o) Er en dør til engelsk og aner ikke hvad jeg mere skal skrive?
Nnånånå, men ville blive glad hvis der er nogen der ville rette lidt i den - gerne med forklaringer på rettelserne? Er nemlig ikke den bedste til engelsk.
Hey Luke!
I don’t like golf or other sports with balls – because I am afraid of balls.
I have one sport ”hobby”. It’s not just a hobby to me, ‘cause it takes more of my time than a hobby do. It is horse riding. I’ve got three horses and one foal. I only ride competitions with one of my horses and his name is Chopalí. He is five years old and he is a palomino at 165cm. tall. We are the governing clubchampion2008, in dressage and in this month we are going to a big competition called NibeCup2008 and regionchampionship2008. I also jump a little bit. We have jumped 112cm. I hope that we can start showjumping next month. I will never stop horse riding!
I did not have other hobbies. Horse riding takes to much time, to have others. But I’m also running two to three times at week. Ca. 4,6kilometres at 20 minutes and I am running the whole time. I’m joining much computer, too. Most of arto.dk, hestegalleri.dk, youtube.com, and myspace.com. I’m always listing to music! My favourite bands are L.O.C. and Kill Hannah, but I am a music freak, so I’m listing to everything. I love to take pictures of animals and flowers and I’ve got a very good camera, Nikon D40. I love it! I like to sing, too. I’m not a <b>really</b> good singer, but sometimes it sound nice and have heard from many peoples that I’m singing well. Last year I went to an elite chorus in Hobro, but I stopped in November, because that I don’t have time to it and the horses.
That was all about my hobbies. Hope it was enough, but then you are welcome to ask for more
- Frida.
apr 2006
Følger: 180 Følgere: 209 Heste: 6 Emner: 573 Svar: 3.870
jul 2006
Følger: 48 Følgere: 70 Heste: 2 Emner: 433 Svar: 3.577
does i stedet for do
i did not have other hobbies
i do not have other hobbies**
But I’m also running two to three times at week.
a week**
and have heard from many peoples that I’m singing well
and I have heard from many people that I'm a well singer**
time to it and the horses
time for that and the horses**
håber du kan finde rundt i det ;-P
jul 2006
Følger: 48 Følgere: 70 Heste: 2 Emner: 433 Svar: 3.577
I don’t like golf or other sports with balls – because I am afraid of balls.
I have one sport ”hobby”. It’s not just a hobby to me, ‘cause it takes more of my time than a hobby do. It is horse riding. I’ve got three horses and one foal. I only ride competitions with one of my horses and his name is Chopalí. He is five years old and he is a palomino at 165cm. We are the governing clubchampion 2008, in dressage and in this month are we going to a big competition called Nibe Cup 2008 and regionchampionship 2008. I also jump a little bit. We have jumped 112cm. I hope that we can start showjumping next month. I will never stop horse riding!
I do not have other hobbies. Horse riding takes to much time, to have others. But I’m also running two to three times a week. About 4,6 kilometres at 20 minutes and I am running the whole time. I’m joining much computer, too. Mostly arto.dk, hestegalleri.dk, youtube.com, and myspace.com. I’m always listening to music! My favourite bands are L.O.C. and Kill Hannah, but I am a music freak, so I’m listening to everything. I love to take pictures of animals and flowers and I’ve got a very good camera, Nikon D40. I love it! I like to sing, too. I’m not a really good singer, but sometimes it sounds nice and I have heard from many people that I’m a well singer. Last year I went to an elite chorus in Hobro, but I stopped in November, because that I don’t have time for that and the horses.
That was all about my hobbies. I hope it was enough, but you are welcome to ask for more.
Det var vidst bedre
apr 2006
Følger: 180 Følgere: 209 Heste: 6 Emner: 573 Svar: 3.870
Engelsk "stil" - rette? xD