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Er der nogen der har helt vildt meget lyst til at læse min engelske essay 'about the amish people' igennem og sige deres ærlige mening? o:)

Opgaven lyder:
'Discuss the simalariarities and diffrences between an Amish lifestyle and your own'

Min opgave;
The Amish

The Amish peoples lifestyle is totally different, from what we would expect as an “English lifestyle”. I have a life were I have a lot of opportunities and choices to make. But what are the differences between an Amish and me?

From I was born, I was brought up to take care of my self, and trough my life my parents hat teach my to make decisions on my own. Off course I had never been allowed to do what ever I want – but my parents had thought me to take responsibility for my one life. For me, as a Danish, it is though to understand how a religion can mean so much to on person. I saw in the film about the Amish, that a couple were talking about a telephone. They were really convinced – that if they left the Amish, they would go out and bye one. It is just an ensample of how the religion is build of laws and rolls, which controls the peoples and the things that they really want to.

I also think about the Amish opportunities so choose over their life. I have many decisions to make in my life and I have a big responsibility. Now I am in 9’Th grade and in my entire life I am thought to handle my self and be able to work in the modern society that I am born in. For an Amish is quite different. He is thought to do farm work, and family relations mean very much to an Amish family.

Because the religion means so much to an Amish, he is not allowed to believe in something else that he’s Amish family. He will be shunned. If I came to my parents I said; “Mum and dad, I don’t believe in the same as you do” they would defiantly not shun me at all. My thought is, that it is a bit inhuman just to push away your children, because they have other opinions. Freedom is defiantly something that I think the Amish miss - freedom to choose.

I can focus on many bad things about the Amish, but It seems like the Amish is very come down and their lifestyle seem to be very peaceful. People today are very stressed, and the demands to us are very high. I think that it’s a thing that we in the modern society miss. The Amish live side by side as ‘one big family’. They help each other and care fore each other. In the film “The Widnes”, I saw how the Amish neighbours came running to help the family who were in trouble. It gives us a very good picture of how much they really care.

Written by Zandra Nørskov, 9.a

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