KRITIK PÅ ENGELSK STIL (: {{forumTopicSubject}}
Jeg vil meget gerne have kritik på min engelske stil, som du kan se er overskriften: something I really like.
Jeg kan jo godt lide heste osv. så det har jeg selvfølgelig skrevet om (;
Vil gerne ha ordentlig kritik!!
Hvis du vil rette fejl, så maker venligst hvor du har rettet (:
Something that I really like
When you ask me, what I like, I would think of many things.
One thing I really presage is my spare time and my interest.
I’m really proud of what I am using my spare time on, because it’s a interest I love and go up in it with heart and soul.
There are a lot of good reasons to horseback riding and exercise horsemanship. Just the fact of being around the horses and the surroundings is like freedom and pleasure to me.
Now it’s a year ago, I started being around horses.
I know that there have been a lot of unhappiness and lows in 2010, but I must say. 2010 have been one of the best years ever.
My interest brings me happiness and I feel like I am my self.
Sometimes I forget all about the things around me, like problems, friends, family etc. and the stable is like my “Free room”
Many people connect horses to dirty things, big and clumsy horses etc.
A lot of my friends connect horses to that, and not as list danger.
Yes it is dangerous to horseback riding, you take a risk.
It’s all about trust…
The horse can turn on a 25 cent, and then you lay on the ground.
Every thing can happen, but that’s the risk you take, when you choose to ride.
I’ve been practising Horsemanship, witch we call Hesteforståelse on Danish. You can also say Equus.
Horsemanship is something about trust, communication and respect.
I like the fact that the hose a giving you feedback, and that’s the most important things about horses.
Horseback riding isn’t a cheep sport. If you really want this, you have to go up in riding with heart and soul.
The will to win gives the ability to suck sees.
- På forhånd tak
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