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Heste citater til billeder

12.739 visninger | Oprettet:

Her er nogle citater som jeg har sat på nogle billeder af min gamle hoppe, i forbindelse med en kalender jeg vil lave til næste år.

Citaterne er nogen jeg selv har fundet på, så kunne rigtig godt tænke mig lidt konstruktiv kritik til dem.

"It's said that you can tell an entire story, just by looking into a horse's eyes!"

"When training hits a snag, look at the horse from another perspective…
...you may see something different..."

"Sometimes horses takes roads that man will never fully understand."

"A horse's ears can be more trustworthy than even your best friend's.
You can tell it your deepest secrets, knowing that it will never get out!"

"A pefect trailride requires perfect surroundings."

"The mouth of a horse will tell you neither lies nor truth!"

"The best view is from between the ears of a horse"

"Not all horses are the same – that’s what makes the equine sport unique."

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Heste citater til billeder