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4.761 visninger | Oprettet:

hjælp til handelskorspondance i engelsk ? {{forumTopicSubject}}

Hej jeg har været lidt et fjols og aflevere en bog der først skulle have været afleveret til næste år, og samtidig kommet alt for sent i gang med en opgave. så derfor tænkte jeg om der var en der kunne hjælpe mig (:

Indsæt anvendelige ord nedenstående brev.

From of on in fire do wait dealers enclose apartment since of in on when of launch hesitate for department at negotiators make with in accompany

Dear Mrs Donatelli
Thank you for your inquiry ________ 1 April 2013. We appreciate your interest ____ our products, but are very sorry to inform you that we cannot ______ you an offer, _________ we do not deal _______ individual customers. We must refer you to one of our licensed gun _________.
We ___________ a list _______ authorized retailers who may have the products you request ______ stock.
In the autumn _______ 2013 we will ______ a new range of lightweight 9mm handguns specially designed for women. The new range will be available in a great variety of colors.
In case you have any further questions, do not ______________ to contact our sales ____________.

Spar penge på din forsikring

Kommentarer på:  hjælp til handelskorspondance i engelsk ?
  • #1   20. sep 2013 Dear Mrs Donatelli
    Thank you for your inquiry the 1 April 2013. We appreciate your interest in our products, but are very sorry to inform you that we cannot give you an offer, since we do not deal with individual customers. We must refer you to one of our licensed gun ____________.
    We have a list of authorized retailers who may have the products you request in stock.
    In the autumn of 2013 we will have a new range of lightweight 9mm handguns specially designed for women. The new range will be available in a great variety of colors.
    In case you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact our sales ____________.
    Well.. Tror jeg ihvertfald xD

  • #2   20. sep 2013 1: of 2: in 3: make 4: since 5: with 6: dealers 7: enclose 8: of 9: in 10: at 11: launch 12:hesitate 13: department.

    Dog med forbehold, Held med det, og se aå af at få de lektier lavet før tid :O) ha ha ...

  • #3   20. sep 2013 Jeg takker og hvor er i bare søde for at gide at hjælpe

    Hedegaarden - Ups ja skal nok (: hihi

Kommentér på:
hjælp til handelskorspondance i engelsk ?
