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Engelsk essay.. {{forumTopicSubject}}

I plejer at være så behjælpelige herinde, så jeg vil derfor spørge om der var nogle som ville kigge min stil igennem..

Dette er bare en ekstra hjælp, til hvis nu at I skulle kunne se nogle fejl som jeg ikke skulle have haft set..

Hvilke bestemte regler er der i engelsk stil? Jeg tænker såsom; er der indryk ligesom i dansk stil osv.. Og i dette tilfælde, er de så gode nok dem jeg har?

Valentine's Day is a special day. It is the day when all people celebrate the love of friends, boyfriends, and family. The love for each other. Love is the biggest word exists. We have always been dependent on apart from birth, where your mother's love meant everything. Love create joy, happiness, inspiration, hope and reassurance, but also a vulnerable heart, pain, despair, mystery, and anger. Love creates many feelings for all people worldwide. Therefore I think that love to his fellow man is life.

This was what I had written in a text - in poem form if you will. I still believe that love is what makes life worthwhile, and that is life. So I had made a lot of studies on hearts day, called the (Saint) Valentine's Day. I had gotten a lot of interesting information about the day and made it into a project task. Unfortunately, I made the little book - which contained my project – gone, but I still remember a lot of history behind the day. I thought it was so exciting that I want to tell you about how I had seen the story. Certainly I could be wrong about some things, but I think that the story behind it is a bit special. That's the whole story's message that it depends on, not necessarily all small details. This is the story:

Many years ago, so the world differently. Once in Rome, there was an emperor named Claudius the Second. Claudius would obviously like to have a big army, so he could win his battles. But the emperor had a problem, the young men did not want to be the emperor's soldiers when they had children and wife at home. When Emperor - Claudius - found this out, he had to find a plan. He knew that married men would not fight for him, so he banned marriage. The lovers were obviously deeply unhappy about this. And when Valentin (e) heard this, he was deeply shocked! Valentine was one Christian priest in Rome. Valentine believed in love, and therefore felt that they loved, of course, had the right to marry. Therefore, he offered the young lovers to marry them in secret. Valentine had acquired a small cellar, lit only by small cozy candle, giving a romantic atmosphere. So there he stood then, in the small basement, along with young people in love and married them, while the nerve-wracking, listened to the soldiers' footsteps up above their heads. As soon as the young people were married, they were quickly sent out of the secret passage. They knew there was death to them all if it were discovered, but Valentine seemed determined that it was all worth it. For all young lovers, he was their own little angel. They loved what he did and for them he was clearly a saint. Therefore he was called, Saint Valentine, which in Danish means; saint Valentin.
Then one day came a day everyone had feared. One day, when Valentine was starting to vie with whispering words that they heard some rhythmic footsteps above their heads. The rhythmic footsteps became louder and more frightening for every second. It was the Emperor Claudius, who had sent his men go after Valentine! Someone had betrayed Valentine, and told it all. So Valentine hastened to send the newlyweds go in safety, but Valentine did unfortunately not much. Valentine was caught and sent to Claudius. Valentines courage, had impressed the emperor, and therefore he offered to spare the life of Valentines, but only if he would frasværge to Christianity. This Valentine would certainly not, and he was thrown into the dungeon.
While Valentine was sitting in his cell, waiting to be beheaded, he frequently visits. It is said that there were flowers thrown to him, as thanks for what he had done for love, but one of the most interesting visits he received was the jailer's daughter! Jailer's daughter was blind. She admired Valentine, and it is said that she had been in love with him, but it is not known with certainty. And because she was the jailer's daughter, she was allowed to visit Valentine, and she often sat for hours and talked with him. They enjoyed each others company, and they became very good friends. It is also said that Valentine - via Valentines love for her - miraculously had given her sight again!
But then came the day! Valentine was executed. There are disagreements and confusion quote the story because it says that there should be, all 3 Saint Valentines, but I now believe that those who said that he was executed, 14 February, year 269 AD, was right, but when Valentine finally be beheaded the day he had placed a note on the floor. The only thing he had had written - even to his blind friend - was: "From your Valentine (s)." Later, after Valentine's death, he was officially a saint. Why is his name now; Saint Valentine.
So we celebrate Valentines Day, 14 February. And the tradition of sending love letters from Valentines little greeting, as was his girlfriend. It has therefore been the day when we all celebrate love, for friends, boyfriend and family, and send a cute card. For although the Emperor Claudius tried to destroy the love, then love fortunately prevailed anyway. So it's important that you remember to show them you love that you love them. What would we do without love?

På forhånd tak smiley

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  • #1   12. sep 2011 synes sproget er ok. Der kunne sagtens flyde bedre - og lidt fejl og fordanskninger her og der.
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Engelsk essay..
