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terror i something land :b? {{forumTopicSubject}}

okay jeg fattede nada a den her samtale smiley virkelig mærkeligt. han sagde, der var en eller anden bombe på en politistation :s hahahaha

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: tetu dog?
You: a what
Stranger: rohadek
Stranger: u dont know?
You: no smiley
Stranger: the sesquip language?
You: nope. what's that smiley
Stranger: it is the best cool language in europ
You: why dont i know it then :o?
Stranger: the most young europian people spoke in this language
You: hmmm
Stranger: asl?
You: 16, female, denmark
You: u?
Stranger: denmark is no in the central europ contrys
Stranger: only there spoke sesquip
You: hmm okay >:)
You: :)*
Stranger: i from belarusia
Stranger: the big belarusia
Stranger: the most beutyfull country in the world
You: denmark rule
Stranger: copenhaga?
You: yep
Stranger: u are in conection with andersen
You: andersen=
You: ?*
You: what's his first name? smiley
You: or her
You: hahahah
Stranger: hansy
You: h.c andersen?
Stranger: cristian
You: the writer?
You: he's dead?
Stranger: yes
You: hahahahah
You: how old are u?
Stranger: u are rude with him?
Stranger: 6
You: okay smiley
You: hahahha
Stranger: o pardon
Stranger: i want to write
Stranger: 16
You: you do? hmm cool
Stranger: yes
Stranger: of corse
You: that's nice smiley
Stranger: and u have estern
Stranger: no?
You: yep
You: u+
Stranger: what make the denmark`s people in estern
Stranger: ?
You: hmm not much.. easter eggs and stuff
Stranger: and gift s
Stranger: no?
You: yeah.
Stranger: and u catch gift?
You: a what
Stranger: for u sombody give some gift?
You: no smiley
Stranger: why?
You: dunno¨
Stranger: i are a bad girl?
Stranger: :))
You: a what
Stranger: u are a bad girl/
Stranger: ?
Stranger: pardon
Stranger: i m in the olice station and, i can not write corectly
You: okay
Stranger: because the ter orist shooting this build
You: hahahahah
Stranger: police station
Stranger: it is a not a joke
Stranger: i m seriously
You: okay
Stranger: in belorusia is a war conflict area
You: that's not good :b
Stranger: my brother is policeman
You: okay
Stranger: and i wanna make policman
Stranger: u?
You: dunno yet smiley
Stranger: hannibal lekter?
You: a what? smiley hahhaha
Stranger: u know?
You: no
Stranger: it is a doctor
You: ok
Stranger: a good pshician
Stranger: the best
You: okay cool smiley
Stranger: maybe u hapend with u samthing and
Stranger: must go to medic
Stranger: i recomand f u!!!
You: okayy!!!!

Spar penge på din forsikring

Kommentarer på:  terror i something land :b?
  • #1   5. apr 2010 Stranger: hey, im looking for someone who can talk about vlad dracula or vlad the impaler?
    You: smiley
    You: well.. i dont know very much about it
    Stranger: oh..sorry for bothering you then
    You: hahaha no worries smiley
    Stranger: cya

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terror i something land :b?

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