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Stil omkring HMS {{forumTopicSubject}}

Heej (;

Ja, jeg ved ikk helt hvordan det skete, men efter en laaang diskusion med min lærer, endte det med at jeg skulle skrive engelsk stil om horsemanship, men jeg ved virkelig ikk hvad jeg skal tilføje... (der mangler slutningen, som er mit forhold til horsemanship)

I må meget gerne skrive forslag og gerne komme med rettelser hvis der er, og oz gerne skrive hvis noget lyder dumt, eller er rigtig godt (;

When you care about horses, you also want the best for them, but it is not always easy to know when enough is enough, or when it is the best way you treat them.
There is a lot of way to train a horse, but horsemanship is a fast growing train art nowadays. It is getting kind of trendy, and because of that many riders use horsemanship in a very wrong way, and they confuse the horse so much more, than they actually train the horse, to be a calm and trustful horse.

When you train a horse by horsemanship, it is about to make the horse trust you and believe that how you are doing it, is the exactly right way and leave no questions about it. It is the same thing you want to achieve with generally training, but in horsemanship you use a lot of different methods and exercises, but the biggest difference is that you try to communicate with the horse through body language.
Horsemanship is a lot of thing, and there s a lot kinds of it. Somebody does only a few exercises, it can be simple tings as: open a umbrella beside the horse, put a plastic bag on the horse, walk through lanes of pole without any equipment.
Other horsemanship users do a more complicated exercise. It can be many different things. There are a lot of well-known faces in the world of horsemanship. Different persons are known for different exercises and every one of them has their own posture, which mostly is what they are so known for. The most known is probably Monty Roberts. He became very famous when he invent “Join up”.
Join up is an exercise, where you as rider, act like a beast of pray and make it believe that it can choose between to expose to you or simply die
When you do the Join up, you do it in a round fence so the horse can not go to far away. Then you chase the horse out to the fence, and then you keep chasing it so it feels threatened all the time. Then you chase it around, until it begins to show you some signs. Every horse shows it differently, some horses only turn the inside ear your way, whereas some horses lower their head and neck, and open and close their mouth to show complete submit to its owner. Afterwards you have seem the signs, you turn around, so your shoulder is opposite its shoulder and then you make sure you look down, so the horse does not feel threaded anymore, and feels that it is safe to go to you, and that you will take care of it. If the horse chooses to trust you, it will slowly walk over to you and warmly blow on your shoulder. Then you shall slowly turn around, still looking down, and then praise it by stroke it, on the brow. And then you take a step, and if the horse follows you, you take one more step, and then one more, until you can run around, stop and step backwards, while the horse is still right behind you, and follows your moves.

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