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Endnu en advarsel - heste fusk {{forumTopicSubject}}

Jeg har mailet med en Jonathan Grossman - som kommer fra sverige og er interesseret i en hest jeg har til salg.
Efter en del søgen på nettet fandt jeg advarsler i england fra folk der advare om denne mand.
Om han er den samme aom mark eller en ny - ved jeg ikke - men han er hlet klase fusker....

Kopi ad den mail alle har fået:
Geetings ,

Thanks for the mail and pls kindly sold to me and keep other buyers off.
I must tell you am really interested and I hope is very healthy. I want the best.
Let me tell you a bit summary about myself.
I am married with 3 wonderful children( a boy and 2 girls) and doctor is my work. I am from Sweden and own the house I live in which has a big compound and in a good environment with well fenced.
I would like to assure you that is comming to a wonderful,caring,sweet,loving family just like yours.
I will personally send you pictures with our family from time to time. I have a pet agent/someone that will handle every other things necessary when he arrives your location. The price is okay by me.
I will like to pay the full amount plus an extra 100 euros for you to take care good care and 50 euros to keep other buyers off a nd if possible you delete the advert till is picked up by the pet-agent.
About payment,i spoke with my banker and will send you a bankers draft cheque of the sum of 15,580 EUROS which can be cashed easily. which i have trust in you and i believe i can trust you,right ? So,can I trust you to instruct my banker send you the payment and when you
receive it,you take it to your bank so that it can be converted to cash and in your country currency,to enable you be able to deduct your own money once it cleared/cashed at your Bank, take your own total money including the extra money and give the balance to the pet-agent, so the pet can be picked up?
If yes, kindly reply with the details as needed below :





YOUR PHONE NUMBER{ home and mobile}

Understand that will be treated like a members of our family and shall also be given the best LOVE,CARING and 100% TENDER LOVE CARE also. and i will be sending you video clips of it to your Home address after is with my family for some times but i will make sure i send you pictures always for update with my family.

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Grossman..

Anne Forsberg <anne-forsberg@hotmail.com> wrote:
The horse is still for sale - 75.000 DKK = 10.000 €

It's a very fine dressage horse, with top movements and easy to ride.
She is capable of going LA1-LA6 dressage classes, wich are danish standarts
for middel-hard dressage.
She can jump, but we havent worked on that part that much.
She have won a Club-championship in dressage and a second place in
Club-championship in jumping.
Originally she is from Germany and have been used for breeding.
I have attached some pictures for you to look at.
And if you wish to buy her, you have to come and see her here in Denmark.
Hope to hear from you soon.

>From: Jonathan Grossman
>To: jona_valgross@yahoo.com
>Subject: Your Horse for Sale
>Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 02:29:04 -0700 (PDT)
>How are you doing and your family.
> I am interested in buying the Horse for sale and
> pls kindly get back to me if you only still have it for sale
> Let me know the price of it
> Pictures to see and what is the present condition.

generelt meget dårlig engelsk - og underligt sprog - pas på disse typer.

Jeg beder han skrive til mig på svensk da jeg ikke forstår engelsk så godt (lille løgn), så får vi af se om han er denne mark weiss- eller en anden fusker.

men til alle - pas på denne jonathan grossman

Spar penge på din forsikring

Kommentarer på:  Endnu en advarsel - heste fusk
  • #1   20. okt 2007 Det var i Fjernsynet den anden dag med ham fuskeren...

  • #2   20. okt 2007 Aldrig aldrig sælge sin hest uden at få sine penge først... og lav en kontrakt på det smiley

  • #3   20. okt 2007 HAN HAR OGSÅ SKREVET TIL MIG....


  • #4   20. okt 2007 Jeg har en annonce på guloggratis hvor jeg er blevet kontaktet af en fra england... Beskeden har præcis samme ordlyd som mange andre også har modtaget bare med et andet navn. Vedkommende har bla. på et tidspunkt heddet John Schmidt, men hedder lige for tiden Ann Sorenson...Synes det er vigtigt at advare så mange som muligt.

  • #5   25. okt 2007 At man kan få pengene ud af checken er ikke godt nok. Den kan nemlig ved nærmere eftersyn være stjålet. Det er der også ekspemler på. Man får en check og går ned i banken og får sat pengene ind. Efter et stykke tid skriver "køber" at han ikke vil købe hesten alligevel, så pengene skal føres tilbage. Det gør man så, og senere viser det sig så at checken var stjålet. Surt show for det er en selv der bonger for det.

    "jonathan" der har lige været igang med min veninde også. Han skrev noget alla det samme.

Kommentér på:
Endnu en advarsel - heste fusk
