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>'¤Channie&Tornado¤'+Waahid+ RIP min elskede dre <
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>'¤Channie&Tornado¤'+Waahid+ RIP min elskede dre <

Kvinde, 30 år, Sydsjælland og øer
Oprettet: 4. aug 2008
Offline - Senest online: 24. nov 2016 Bruger er på filterliste

Er Så græde færdig! hvordan kunne du dog også komme så slemt til skade basse`? at se dig forlade jorden var det hårdeste jeg nogensinde har gjort! Elsker dig bedste ven! R.I.P Waahid :*


if you ask me if i need you, the answer is FOR EVER
if you ask me if i'll leave you, the answer is NEVER

if you ask me what is value, the answer is YOU
if you ask me if i love you, the answer is YES I DO!

I would do anything to bring a smile to your face
It makes me happy just to be in the same place

You mean the world to me
Without you i don't know where i would be

So always remember that i love you
and i'm ALWAYS think of you!

Come back to me my angel, it is my only wish! :'(
You are still in my mind, and i'll keep you there allways and forever, to the day we meet again.
That day, i'll put my arms around you, and never let you go!

Take me with you to the place they are called heven! <3

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