Hollandsk Sportspony | Radec<3 | (Toblerone) Hollandsk Sportspony | Radec<3 | (Toblerone) Hollandsk Sportspony | Radec<3 | (Toblerone) Hollandsk Sportspony | Radec<3 | (Toblerone) Hollandsk Sportspony | Radec<3 | (Toblerone)
- * Inga&Radec *! -  .
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- * Inga&Radec *! - .

Kvinde, 29 år, Nordsjælland
Oprettet: 30. jul 2008
Offline - Senest online: 23. nov 2017 Bruger er på filterliste


Mit navn er Inga og jeg bor i Norge.
Jeg har en pony, Radec som jeg aldrig kommer til at sælge. På han rider jeg op til Mb** i spring og LA dressur.
Til daglig rider jeg 1-4 heste ved siden av skole og arbejde.
Jeg er så heldig at få lov til at ride Rytterbutikkens Zsa Zsa Gabor! jeg rider lidt dressur på hende til daglig og springer 1-2 ganger om ugen. planen er at starte masse springstævner i år og målet er landsmestereskaperne i Drammen i juli. glæder meg virkelig at se hvor langt vi kommer :-)

Jeg er så heldig at få lov til at arbejde i en Hestebutikk som hedder Rytterbutikken og ejes af Zsa Zsa's ejer :-)

Noget alle ryttere burde læse..
Dear Hard Work,
I used to hate you,
When you called my name,
I heard it but ran away from you,
When I knew you were coming,
I used to hide from you,
When you influenced others to talk to me,
I quickly made excuses to get away from you.
Afraid of the pain because I didn’t want to get hurt
Afraid to fail, so I didn’t even try
Afraid of the shame that you might put me through and
Afraid of your name because of what you have done to others
Who do you think you are?
Making me so afraid of who you are?
Reflection in the mirror,
Shadow behind me,
I take one step and still,
Your ahead of me,
Sweat on my face, tears in my eyes,
I keep on going,
I heard you tell no lies,
You turn the poor to rich,
F to A’s
Is there anything that you can’t do?
Now look at me,
You made me who I am today,
and because of you,
I have this never losing, never giving up attitude
That is not in my vocabulary
When they quit, I keep going,
When they sleep, I work harder,
When they say that I can’t and count me out, I show them that I can
When I tell them about my dreams,
And they laugh, I make sure I laugh last.
I’m a dream chaser, that means I chase my dreams, and not no one else’s
Only I can defeat me,
It’s me against this work you put on me,
There Is no losing – I will not lose,
I came this far and I’m not stopping now
O Hard work,
My dad was right about you, you do pay off, and because of that I love you.
How can I not?
I’m no longer hiding from you, I’m waiting for you.
Matter of fact, where are you?
I need you, because in hard work- I trust!

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