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Diamond M
Oprettet: 22. okt 2012
Offline - Senest online: 22. okt 2012 Bruger er på filterliste
My human heart, will for always beat as a cheetahs.
I was born as a human. I grew up, and i learned the
hard things in life. I fought to find my way. But i know
i'm more than this. I have a wild cat's spirit inside.
My wildness is something i knows without even knowing
it. It's in my blood, in my bones. Like a memory.
It is a fragrance as i can regonize.
Full name: Diamond Le Chanique Mascha Kaley Raymonde Michelsen
Nicknames: Dia, Diamond, Chanique, Mascha, Kaley, Hun', Baby, Love, Sweetheart.
Normal Zodiac: ram/aries
Chinese Zodiac: Monkey
Born: On Herlev Hospital, at March 22, 1992 at 04:49 am (Danish time) in Denmark
Baptized and confirmed in the church: Glostrup church
Eye color: green/yellow
Hair color: Dark brown/Black. However - i'm born with dark blond.
Height: 167 cm / Feet: 5'5
Weight: between 60 & 63 Kg.
Native language: Danish
Aditional languages: American English, Old English
Writing following: Danish and English
My Favorite Flower species:
Long-stemmed roses
Dendrophylax lindenii / Ghost Orchid
Dendrobium Lasianthera
Paphiopedilum Juno
Lilium michiganense
Favorite animal(s):
Cheetah, Sabertooth-tiger, Lion, Leopard, Bengal tiger, White tiger, Snow leopard.
Words that describe my personality:
incomparable, unattainable, attentional, admirably, indispensable, vigilance, resourcefulness, acquisitive, eccentric, reverence, expression, dignity, fragrant, a dependent, unique, irresistible, expressive, immodesty, thoughtful, querulous, faithfulness, pleasing, wonderful, romantic, lazy, quietly, steadfast, springy, spontaneous, sexy, witted, self control, self respect, respectful, reincarnation, refined, popular, overwhelming, superior, optimistic, catty, gentle, nerves, targeted, afraid of the dark, mysterious, memorable, stubborn, Tough, Charming, Lovely, Silly, humorous, beautiful, fun, loving, happy, musical, sweet, understanding, fast, smiling, listening, sensitive, kinky, nurturing, intelligent, creative, impulsive, attractive, flexible, sensitive, strong-willed, purposeful, decisive, open, naive, outward wait introvert, friendly, crazy, unusual, special, entertaining, possessive, temperamental, loyal, irascible, imaginative, Lazy, mature immature, controlling, warm, soft skind and mind, discuss, naughtiness, compliments, Sophisticated.
My favorite designer brands:
Sherri Hill
Dolce & Gabbana
Friis & Company
Louis Vuitton
People in the fashion world that inspires me:
Tyra Banks, Jonathan Pease, Napoleon Perdis, Caroline Fleming
Favorite actors females:
Elizabeth Taylor, Angelina Jolie, Kirsten Dunst, Halle Berry, Jennie Finch, Michelle Pfeiffer, Jennifer Aniston, Whoopi Goldberg, Miriam Hopkins, Sharon Stone, Goldie Hawn, Téa Leoni, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sophia Loren
Favorit actors males:
George Cloony, Pierce Brosnan, Anthony HopkinsSylvester Stallone, Sean Connery, Patrick Kilpatrick, Samuel L Jackson, Eddie Murphy, Leonardo Dicaprio, David Schwimmer, Chris Diamantopoulos, Will Smith, Daniel Craig, Tom Hanks, Johnny Depp, Ralph Fiennes, Mel Gibson, Mads Mikkelsen, Richard Tyson, Nicholas Lea, Robert Patrick, Owen Wilson, Jason Isaacs, Steve Austin, Sylvester Stallone, Alec Baldwin, Alexander Skarsgard, Antonio Banderas, Brad Pitt, John Travolta, Stephen Moyer, Steven Seagal, Tom Cruise, Bruce Willis, Al Pacino, Aaron Eckhart, Russell Crowe And MANY more.
Posttraumatisk stresslidelse (PTSD)
Asperger syndrome
Dissociative split personality
Premenstrual syndrome
What I have fear for (languages: ENGLISH / DANISH:)
Achluophobia / Achluofobi (fear of darkness / angst for mørke)
Aerophobia / Aerofobi (fear pull, breathe air, or airborne toxic substances / angst for træk, indånde luft eller luftbårne giftige stoffer)
Algophobia / Agliofobi (fear of pain / angst for smerte)
Aichmophobia / Aichmofobi (fear of sharp or pointed objects example: a needle or knife / angst for nåle og spidse objekter)
Amaxophobia / Amaxofobi (fear of driving or being passenger in a car / angst for at køre eller være passager i en bil)
Anuptaphobia / Anuptafobi (fear of not finding a partner / angst for ikke at finde en partner)
Arachnophobia / Arachnofobi (fear of spiders / angst for edderkopper)
Pyrophobia / Arsonfobi (fear of fire / angst for ild)
Atychiphobia / Atychifobi (fear of failure / angst for fejle)
Autophobia / Autofobi (fear of being alone or unilaterally / angst for at være alene eller på egen hånd)
Automysophobia / Automysofobi (afraid of getting dirty / angst for at blive snavset)
Caligynephobia / Caligynefobi (fear of beautiful women / angst for smukke kvinder)
Agraphobia / Contreltofobi (fear of sexual abuse / angst for seksuelt misbrug)
Dentophobia / Dentofobi (fear of the dentist / angst for en tandlæge)
Siderodromophobia / Diderodromofobi (fear of trains, railroads or train travel / angst for toge, jernbaner eller togrejser)
Eremophobia / Eremofobi (fear of being alone or experiencing loneliness / angst for at være alene eller opleve ensomhed)
Hemophobia / Hemafobi (fear of blood / angst for blod)
Herpetophobia / Herpetofobi (fear of reptiles or things that crawl / angst for krybdyr eller ting, der kravler)
Hoplophobia / Hoplofobi (fear of firearms / angst for skydevåben)
Kakorrhaphiophobia / Kakorrhaphiofobi (fear of failure or defeat / angst for fejl eller nederlag)
Macrophobia / Macrofobi (fear of long waiting times / angst for lange ventetider)
Melissophobia / Melissofobi (fear of bees / angst for bier)
Monophobia / Monofobi (fear of menstrual /angst for menstruation)
Nosophobia / Nosofobi (fear of being sick / angst for blive at blive syg)
Obesophobia / Obesofobi (fear of gaining weight /angst for tage på i vægt)
Pluviophobia / Pluviofobi (fear of rain or the rain falls on an even /angst for regn eller at der falder regn på en)
Thanatophobia / Thanatofobi (fear of death or dying / angst for død eller det at dø)
Tomophobia / Tomofobi (fear of surgery /angst for kirurgiske operationer)
Topophobia /Topofobi (angst for visse steder eller situationer, f.eks. Sceneskræk)
Virginitiphobia / Virginitifobi (angst for voldtægt)
Jeg har dissociativ personlighedsspaltning/I've got dissociative split personality:
Let me explain what that is shortly in english; In the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems the name for this diagnosis is multiple personality disorder. In both systems of terminology, the diagnosis requires that at least one or two personalities routinely take control of the individual's behavior with an associated memory loss that goes beyond normal forgetfulness; in addition, symptoms cannot be the temporary effects of drug use or a general medical condition. DID is less common than other dissociative disorders, occurring in approximately 1% of dissociative cases, and is often comorbid with other disorders.
There is a great deal of controversy surrounding the topic of DID. The validity of DID as a medical diagnosis has been questioned, and some researchers have suggested that DID may exist primarily as an iatrogenic adverse effect of therapy. DID is diagnosed significantly more frequently in North America compared to other areas of the world. [[But my Dissociative split personality, is something like that. However with any corrections: I'm NOT getting amnesia, and i don't have 2 personalities besides my own, but only 1 more than my own. This is NOT and will not be one person for me, but i am myself all the time accually. Ever since I was born... I have always loved tame as far as untamed and wild big cats. I know most of you KNOW, that I love cats. And yes I do really like them alot. So much that i choosed to believe at Ancient Egyptian Religion, (even i'm baptized Christian when I was confirmed), but only in the goddes Bastet (the cat - which is the good) and Sekhmet (the lion - which is the mad) ..and the world's largest (but undead cat) saber tooth tiger. The cat Family fascinates me SO MUCH more than anything else and that is what I feel I am part of. The cats revolution and life. I have a behavior like cats, and looking at the things like usual cat usually love to do. They have temperament, loves meat, is affectionate, loves music and playing, and they are especially aware by just the little strange sound and new thing. (These things are some of my dissociative split personality goes on). But I've none ever shown it to anyone directly. Not even your people which i'm facebook friends with I share this information with. But I'll tell you a secret: I have always shown my "dissociative split personality is actually" - without anyone actually noticed it, 'cause most people won't look at at human in a cat way. Hmmm i think if you don't understand what i just wrote and explained to you, you shouldsearch after "bastet" on Wiki or google, then you can read about what Bastet stands for in elements. For what she stands for, is precisely the same things I associate myself with. BRETTY MUCH complicated all this, unless you can put yourself into my split personality, unless you can imagine how it is to be two in one......
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